Month: May 2016

‘To The Future’ PRS for Music Foundation Composition Commission

Link to PRS for Music Foundation article. Living Song has been awarded £8500 by PRS to bring together a team of artists with a wide range of experience, including Errollyn Wallen, Shammi Pithia, Amina Gichinga, Joseph Adelakun, Naomi Scarlett, Mohan Dhar and Stefan Vitalis. This is in partnership with Solid Harmony also funded for this project through Newham Council’s Go For It scheme. The artists are commissioned to work collaboratively to create a new choral piece for massed choir, which will be performed by NewYVC UNITE, based at Stratford Circus this summer 2017.

NewYVC UNITE Progress

In partnership with Stratford Circus and funded through Youth Music, our young NewYVC UNITE workshop leaders have now finished leading workshops across 16 East London schools for this academic year. Rehearsals and preparation are now well underway for the singing celebration at Stratford Circus on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July, when the north and south clusters of schools will raise the roof in celebration of their singing community and the wonderful music they have been learning, including Dig Deep by Peter Churchill, Rise Up by Ayyanna Witter-Johnson,  Handashwani Tarana by Ranjana Ghatak and Une Moto Di Gioja by Mozart, published through CME.  Wish us luck!