Living Song: Empowerment Through Singing

1 Putting A

Putting young leaders centre stage

2 Challenging A

Challenging assumptions about what we can be

3 Innovating A

Innovating life long learning

4 Having Fun A

Building connections and having fun!

5 Putting B

Putting young leaders centre stage

6 Challenging B

Challenging assumptions about what we can be

7 Innovating B

Innovating life long learning

8 Having Fun B

Building connections and having fun!

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Latest News & Events:

  • CME Compact 8th June 2024, 13.30-18.00, London Docklands
    CME Compact 8th June 2024, 13.30-18.00, London …
    The Living Song Team is delighted to announce that, this Summer, we will be running a short, introductory version of our choral conducting course which follows the CME approach (Choral …
  • International CME Leadership Retreat 2024
    International CME Leadership Retreat 2024
    Following the difficulties we all experienced during the world’s global pandemic, we are thrilled to share with you the news that a CME Leadership Retreat, and CME Introductory Course will be held …
  • Lambeth Primary Singing Day at RFH!
    Lambeth Primary Singing Day at RFH!
    Hello Everyone! I’m Chanté, currently working as Living Song’s Programme Co-ordinator and one of the four Lead Artists for this year’s Artist Approach Project (AA2). we are so proud to …
  • Our Artists Approach 2 project is well under way! 
    Our Artists Approach 2 project is well …
    After two fantastic taster sessions at The Lab E20 in Stratford, the first cohort of young music mentees (YMMs) will begin their regular workshops in February. Working with four established …
  • Living Song Celebration Event – Ubuntu!
    Living Song Celebration Event – Ubuntu!
    On 7th November 2023 Living Song artists, associates, and friends came together at The Lab E20 in Stratford for a fantastically musical event celebrating all things Living Song! With music, …
  • Artist Approach Two Project
    Artist Approach Two Project
    We are thrilled to have been successful in our grant application to Arts Council England to deliver Artist Approach 2. This Project builds on our previous work one-line during COVID …