Speak Out! Sing Out! Anti bullying through song writing project – Rokeby Boys school

Speak Out! Sing Out! is an innovative, creative, one day workshop devised through Living Song in preparation for Anti Bullying awareness building in primary and secondary schools. We work with a whole class, or group, KS2 and 3 to compose a song collaboratively, developing language of emotional literacy. On Weds 19th Nov, Linton Bennett, Amina Gichinga, Georgia Thorpe, and Jane Wheeler worked with 25 boys from across yr 7 – 10 at Rokeby Boys School to create an new song in this way. Watch this space to hear the recording. Meanwhile, here is a quote from the Head of Music:

“Thank You SO MUCH for yesterday. What a fantastic day and what a fantastic song! I’ve got the “pin popping your ego” hook stuck in my head right now. We’d love to continue rehearsing and perform it properly at our Festive Concert in a few weeks.”

Head of Music, Rokeby Boys school, Newham, East London.

Please contact Living Song for further details.
