Speak Out! Sing Out! Anti Bullying Project 2016-17

Speak Out! Sing Out! is an innovative, creative, one-day workshop devised to work with a whole class, or group, yr 5, 6, or 7 to compose a song collaboratively, developing language of emotional literacy. This special day has been developed and extended to wider London schools after its popular success in previous years. Click here to download the flyer and booking information (PDF).

Comments from both primary and secondary schools who have received this workshop include:

“Thank You SO MUCH for yesterday. What a fantastic day and what a fantastic song! I’ve got the ‘pin popping your ego’ hook stuck in my head right now”.

Hannah McWha, Head of Music, Rokeby School for boys, Newham

“Our Year 5 children worked on the Speak out! Sing Out! project with Living Song. They all engaged immediately with this creative approach during Anti-Bullying Week to produce a very thoughtful song. The children were very excited and were able to concentrate throughout the day on producing their lyrics and putting them to music. They, along with everyone at Grange are very proud of their recorded song!”

Susan Carter – Head Teacher, Grange Primary School